Education / Curriculum : Baptism






Welcome Water

Welcome Water contains simple explanations to the welcome and promises that come with the water and word.

Welcome Water Child Book | La Crosse Church Supplies

#3848-5 Child Book

Qty. $7.00
Welcome Water Adult Book | La Crosse Church Supplies

#3699-3 Adult Book

Qty. $4.00

Let the Children Come

A Baptismal Manual for Parents and Sponsors.

A 35-page booklet on infant and young child baptism, including Luther's teaching, infant baptism, baptism in the New Testament and the baptism service.

Let the Children Come | La Crosse Church Supplies


Qty. $5.00

Baptized, We Live

Lutheranism as a Way of Life

Describes Lutheranism as a way of seeing, hearing, teaching and following.

Baptized, We Live | La Crosse Church Supplies


Qty. $5.00

Baptism & Birthday Card Packs

Packs contain four cards to welcome a child into your congregation, sent in celebration of their baptism and first three birthdays. Pack includes a place for recording child's and parents' names, date of birth and baptism, and when each card is sent, envelopes included.

Baptism & Bday Card Packs | La Crosse Church Supplies


Qty. $8.50

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